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Of the machines in the agricultural-industrial complex

The agricultural-industrial complex is taking now one of the first places in the agriculture. The well-timed cultivation of fields, sowing and harvesting greatly depend on the technological readiness of the agricultural machinery and auto transport. Machinery stoppage because of the technical defects causes big losses in the agriculture. It is worth saying that the ill-timed and low-quality maintenance of the agricultural machinery increases the level of the air pollution because of the waste gases.

The agricultural-industrial complex has got the technical maintenance service that has the following goals: the constant maintenance of the high technical preparedness of the agricultural machinery, providing its work. In order to fulfill these goals it is necessary to use the means of technical diagnostics, to mechanize the industrial sectors and the sections of technical maintenance, to provide them with the lifting machines and control devices, to improve the technology of technical maintenance, to create for repairers the necessary industrial and sanitary labour conditions. These factors help to increase the labour productivity when maintaining the agricultural machines, provide the shortening of labour and financial expenses.

The main reasons of the agricultural machinery defects are wear of the rubbing surface, deformation and breakage of the parts, breach of the seat and coaxial parts, burning of the work surfaces of the engine parts because of the exceeding of the heat mode, formation of scale in the cooling system, formation of scale in the combustion chamber, precipitation of resinous substances in the absorbing manifold of the carburetor engine and etc. The parts that work in the conditions of high temperatures are subjected to wear because of the abrasion and also to the chemical corrosion and warping. Most of the defects in the power and other sets and in the agricultural machinery appear because of the wear of the parts – cylinders and pistons, crankpins and main journals of the crankshaft, the working surfaces of the valves of the engine and so on. That’s why in order to prevent these defects they shouldn’t allow the appearance of the limiting wears. It is reached by the creation of planned-precaution system of maintenance of the agricultural machinery, the application of the operating materials-oils, lubrications, cooling and special liquids and by qualified technical maintenance.

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