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EXERCISES. 1. Translate the following words into English


1. Translate the following words into English.


Определенные черты, сельскохозяйственные работы, постоянное улучшение, ходовая часть, трех точечная подвеска, эффективный и надежный трактор, полная сцепка, метод принудительной смазки, основные части трактора, рабочие и вспомогательные приспособления, многочисленные части, гусеницы, песчаная почва, двигатель, низкоскоростной, валы, оси, передачи, система отопления.


2. Agree or disagree with the statements using:

It's right; it will do; sure; I don't think so; I'm of a different opinion.


1. Tractors are more often used for military purposes than for farm jobs.

2. Modern tractors have a power unit, transmission system, steering unit, working and auxiliary equipment.

3. The frame must be rigid.

4. Three-point suspension is attached to the front and rear axles.

5. Pneumatic wheels can be replaced by two tracks.

6. Tractors are always equipped with diesel engines.

7. Shafts, axles, drives, gears and a clutch are the parts of the transmission system.


3. Read the description of devices or systems and name them.

a) a rigid device to carry numerous parts that form a tractor;

b) a device that prevents tractor parts from damage;

c) devices used to support the frame;

d) a device in which fuel is converted into mechanical energy;

e) a system that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels;

f) a system that provides non-friction operation of the engine parts;

g) a system that controls the temperature of the engine;

h) a system that helps to mount implements.


4. Add some more facts to make the following statements more precise and complete.


1. The design of a tractor is connected with its function.

2. The basic parts of a tractor are a frame, an engine and working equipment.

3. The frame carries numerous parts of the tractor.

4. Three-point suspension is used on the tractor.

5. The traction mechanism is of two types.

6. The tractor has a power unit.

7. The function of the transmission system is to transmit the power.

8. Working and auxiliary equipment include a hydraulic system to mount implements.


5. Describe some parts of a tractor:

a) the frame;

b) the power unit;

c) the transmission system.



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