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Грандмастер Атрофиниус

Атрофиниус 1й босс ПП и средний по сложности. Он не такой простой как боссы Drowned Halls но не такой сложный как в Gilded Prophecy. Он что то среднее. По шкале от 1 до 10 где то на 5.

Состав рейда:

1 танк – Воин или Клерик. Если это будет Клирик, то после манадрейна за 1 сек он может стать бесполезным.

1 хилер – Хлорка, тут нет АОЕ дамага сильного, в основном дамажит танка и АОЕ каждые 35 секунд.

1 суппорт – Бард

7 ДПС – 2 инквизитора, 3 ДПСWarriors, 2 Роги.


Тактика Боя.

У Атрофиния 4,7 млн HP и енрейдж таймер 6 минут. Также нужно помнить что надо будет убить 3 бочки по 310k HP. В сумме это около 5.7 млн ХП.

Тактика кажется сложной, но лучше прочитать и посмотреть потом на видео.

У Атрофиния 5 абилок:

Cleave – основная абилка, спереди от боса.

Song of Solitude – кастуется 5 секунд, накладывает дебаф на 3 секунды на 7 членов рейда. В конце дебаф дамажит на 3900 каждого и по площади 10 м. Радиус дамага обозначен синим пузырем. Поэтому все в рейде стоят распределено. Только мили в боссе, но и они потом отбегают от танка. 5ти секунд каста должно хватить для отбегания.

Song of Anguish – кастуется 3 сек, нельзя прервать. Накладывает дебаф на 15 сек на игрока. При этом пишется эмоция «Grandmaster Atrophinius glares at [target]!” поэтому будет видно на кого упал дебаф. Игрок под дебафом начинает танцевать и не может двигаться либо кастовать абилки пока дебаф не будет снят используя water bucket (see below) или пока дебаф не спадет.

Song of Steel – кастуется 15 сек. He will bounce between the 2 furthest away persons dealing 2.3k damage everytime he hits. Anyone caught in the path between these 2 persons will be onceshotted so it’s best to move out. He will have a 20 seconds buff on him so the tank knows when it’s going to end. The tank needs to taunt him as soon as his buff runs out because he will reset aggro. Also everyone should stop healing/dsping when the buff has 2 seconds left to prevent useless deaths.

Run to the cask – на 75% HP Атрофиний запустит Зеленую Бочку и станет оттуда пить. Он будет пить оттуда каждую минуту и каждый раз будет восстанавиливать ХП на 1% в секунду.


Атрофиниус повторяет эту ротацию каждые 35 секунд. Кастует в описанном порядке, никаких сюрпризов тут не будет.


After you clear the event mobs you will notice that there are 4 Drunken Bruisers sleeping on the floor (circled with blue in the image above). They are the element that makes this fight interesting. Once you pull the boss you can also attack them but you want to let them sleep. They wake up if someone walks to close to them and to put them back to sleep you will have to use the buckets that are next to the casks. The only issue is that you will have to kill all the Casks before the boss reaches 75% so if you wake up the adds you will be stuck with them until the end of the fight. They only have 310k HP but they have a damage reduction buff and a damaging and mana draining aura. You can get quite close to them without waking them up, check the right side of the screenshot where Sharogy is standing next to Cask 1. That’s enough distance not to disturb the adds.


The adds directly influence the raid’s ability to move around. But who has to move? The only person that needs to move around is the raid member in charge with removing the dancing debuff. To the right of Atrophinius there is a well (big red arrow pointing at it in the image above). When you click the well you get a reactive ability. Use that ability on the player that is dancing to remove his debuff. There is a catch though. If you get hit by anything while holding the bucket ability you will lose it, so you will have to sneak between the AoE and the charge to dispell people.


Be careful not to wake up the adds while running with the bucket. I marked the paths we used with black lines to give you an idea where it is safe to go. We had the bard on the bucket duty because that’s what bards do in 10 mans, they shovel and carry buckets of water around, but anyone can do the job.


I mentioned above that the 3 Green Label Casks need to be destroyed before the boss reaches 75%. In order to do so without wasting DPS have 1 person assigned to each Cask. A Cask has 310k HP so 1 DPS should be able to get it down by the time the boss is at 75%. You can have the melee to do it ^^.


The boss himself was tanked close to the mountain so the tank has enough distance from the add in the middle to not wake him up and at the same time he is central enough to be able to pick the boss up after his charging frenzy. If the next question is where does the melee fits in this strategy, I am sorry to inform you that the guild Special Olympics doesn’t know how to mitigate melee unfriendly abilities so we just mitigate the use of melee completely. You can have 1 melee standing behind the boss, but the charging ability seems to always kill them. You can use the DPS warriors to kill the Casks and when they are done they can just stand at range and shoot some ranged attacks at the boss. You shouldn’t have that much melee in a 10 man anyway, maybe you can fit them somewhere.


This is pretty much it. Have the raid positioned (or close to their spots) before you engage the boss, pull him to the mountain and start DPSing him. Make sure all 3 Casks are dead by the time he reaches 75%. He will rotate AoE, the 20 seconds debuff that needs to be watered down and the Charge until he is dead.


This strategy remained valid for the release. Good luck killing him!


Лут с Атрофиния http://rift-mmorpg.com/rift-boss/grandmaster-atrophinius-loot-table/

Видео http://rift-mmorpg.com/rift-boss/special-olympics-vs-grandmaster-atrophinius/

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