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Lenin's Program

The men of “the finest temper”, to whom Wilson referred, the Morgans and the Rockefellers, did not really desire opportunity for the individual; what they desired was the lifelong imposition of slavery under the World Order, and this is the goal which they continue to strive to achieve, on a world wide basis.

These Americans “of the finest temper” chose Lenin to do their work because he had outlined the plan they wanted in “The Threatening Catastrophe” in September, 1917,

“1. nationalisation of the banks. Ownership of capital which is manipulated by the banks is not lost or changed when the banks are nationalised and fused into one state bank, so that it is possible to reach a stage where the state knows whither and how, from where and at what time millions and billions are flowing. Only control over bank operations providing they are merged into one state bank will allow, simultaneously with other measures which can easily be put into effect the actual levying of income tax without concealment of property and income.

The state for the first time would be in a position to survey all the monetary operations, then to control them, then to regulate economic life. FINALLY, to obtain millions and billions for large state operations, without paying the capitalist gentlemen skyhigh commissions for their services. It would facilitate the nationalisation of syndicates, abolition of commercial secrets, the nationalisation of the insurance business, facilitate the control of and the compulsory organization of labor into unions, and the regulation of consumption.

The nationalisation of banks would make circulation of checks compulsory by law for all the rich, and introduce the confiscation of property for concealing incomes. The five points of the desired program then, are nationalisation of the banks, nationalisation of the syndicates, the abolition of commercial secrets, and the compulsory organization of the population into consumer associations.”

It was the publication of this program which catapulted Lenin into the leadership of Russia via the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1917, Frank Vanderlip publicly referred to Lenin as “the modern version of George Washington.”

The Lenin program is not only the program of Soviet Russia – it is the program of Roosevelt’s New Deal, Truman’s Socialism, the postwar Labor Government in England, and the guiding principle of subsequent American Administrations. The Labor Government of England proved Lenin’s dictum that the ownership of capital is not affected by the nationalisation of the banks, when they nationalised the Bank of England. The Lenin program is the entire program of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, “the actual levying of income tax without concealment of property or income”, “the confiscation of property for concealing incomes”. The Lenin program is the program of the big rich precisely because it abolishes private property, and puts it under the control of the state. The state is controlled by the big rich, the World Order.

The definitive authority of the Lenin program captured the attention of the financiers. Here was the opportunity to subdue and control all future competition with the power of a totalitarian state, to stifle future development, and to hold the entire population of the world in thrall to their greed. This program took Lenin back to Moscow to seize the government by force and to rule by terrorism.

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