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Упражнение 75

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During... American War of... Independence,... commander of... small unit of soldiers was giving... orders to his men about... heavy cannon that they were trying to lift to its place at... top of some for­tifications. It was almost beyond their power to lift... weight, and... commander kept shouting... en­couraging words.... officer, not in uniform, was p:\Ksing by, and he asked... commander why he did not help... soldiers. Greatly surprised,... man turned round and said proudly: "Sir, I am... corpo­ral!" "Oh, you are, are you?" replied... officer:

"I did not know that. I beg your pardon, Mr. Corpo­ral." Then he got off... horse he was riding and, taking hold of... rope that... men were pulling at, he pulled with all his strength. And when... cannon was in its place, he turned to... little great man and said: "Mr. Corporal, when you have... other job like this and have not enough... men, send for your com­mander in chief, and I shall gladly come and help you."... corporal was struck with... astonishment.... man who had helped his soldiers was George Washington.

Упражнение 76


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William Shakespeare,... greatest English play­wright, was born in 1564 in... Stratford-upon-Avon in... England.... Stratford is... small country town in... farming district near... centre of... England.... Avon, which is... pretty river with... grass and... trees all along its banks, runs through... Strat­ford. Not much is known of... Shakespeare's father. He was... farmer who, at... different times of his life, sold... meat and bought and sold... wool. He was poor and was often in... money difficulties. Very little is known about... life of his only son William also.... little house in which... great writer was born still stands. It is now... museum. William went to... school in... Stratford. In 1586 he went to... London. Probably... first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that there were in... London at that time. Then he became... actor and soon began to write... plays for... company of ac- tors to which he belonged. Shakespeare bought... largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610. He spent... last years of his life mostly in... Stratford, but he often visited... London. He died in 1616.

Упражнение 77

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Last July, my... 65-year-old father was on his... dayly run. It was... unusually hot... day, and he felt... little sick, so he stopped to rest in... shade.... passerby asked if he needed help, but my... fa­ther said, "No," figuring he'd be able to get... home. Minutes later,... other person stopped.... man real­ized something was seriously wrong and called 911. That... stranger saved my father's... life. Dad suf­fered... heart attack and was hospitalized for five... days.

I cannot thank that... passerby enough for get­ting involved and helping... stranger when it would lave been easier to walk away. Now, my... father las many... years left to enjoy his... grandchildren. Let everybody be... Good Samaritans when they e... need.... life could depend on it.

Упражнение 78

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... young man attempted to rob... store near my.. office. He bought... bag of... potato chips, and /hile... clerk was making... change, he attempted to grab... money from... cash register. When... clerk quickly closed... drawer,... man tried to take cash register but it was so heavy, he couldn't lift it. He got angry. There was... rack full of... ciga­rettes in... corner of... store. He decided to grab... cigarettes but... clerk stopped him.

... man drove away empty-handed, but was spot­ted by... police for driving... stolen car.... police pursued him with... lights flashing and... sirens blaring. He was soon arrested and charged with... possession of... stolen vehicle, careless and reckless driving and speeding. His... fine was set at $2,000.

While being escorted,... man asked if he could stop near.. store and get his... potato chips, since he had paid for them.... clerk at... store identified him as... man who tried to steal... cash register, and he was charged with... attempted robbery. His... fine was increased to $15,000; he sits in... jail awaiting... trial.

Упражнение 79

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1. George Bernard Shaw,... well-known English playwright, was born in... Ireland in 1856. He was... son of... clerk and had to begin working at... early age. At... age of twenty he moved to... Lon­don where he became... journalist.

2.... play "Widowers' Houses" shows... egoism and hypocrisy of some businessmen who got their profits from,., London slums where... poorest peo­ple lived.

3. While travelling in... Germany Harry Trench,... young English doctor, got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius,... respectable looking gentleman, and his daughter Blanche.... young people fell in love with each other and were going to get married. Trench knew that Sartorius was rich, but he did not know.. kind of... property he had. He learned about II. from... conversation with Lickcheese, Sartorius' collector. It turned out that Sartorius was... of some tenements in the London slums, and Hint nil... property he had was built by getting... out of... poor people who lived there. Trench yiih greatly shocked. He did not want to take... noiiey from Blanche's father. But Blanche said she nould not live on... small income Trench had. They

Enid... quarrel, and Trench left... house. After some “lino Trench learned that... land on which Sartorius' юн.4os were built belonged to Trench's aunt and that himself was living on... money got in... same |vvny. Everything comes out "all right" in... end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes... partner in •Jnrlorius' business. The author shows that in... fact

I Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and Hie like.

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