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Giant among Men

The Story of St.Petersburg’s Founder

by Sebastian Neave (The St.Petersburg Times)


There has never been a more remarkable and progressive national leader in modern history than Peter I of Russia (1682-1725). He was a colossus in every way. In physical stature, strength of mind, energy, curiosity, merrymaking and reform, none of his contemporaries even come close. He alone is responsible for the Europeanization of Russia by turning his back on the traditions of the past.

Throughout his turbulent upbringing, he was surrounded by fear, suspicion, intrigue and violence. His eventual ascension to the throne was only made possible by his banishment of his half-sister to a nunnery.

There is no doubt that Peter was a tyrant – ruthless and domineering. However, what he is truly remembered for and why he holds such a heroic status in the hearts of Russians is his enduring transformation of Russia, through tireless reform and endless campaigning, into a vast empire, a trade leader and civilized European state with a capital to match. Peter came to the throne of a “rude and barbarous kingdom” and died as the ruler of a bona fide European power.

Peter the Great not only transformed and integrated Russia into Europe, but also had a massive impact on the continent as a whole. By the time he died, the balance of power in Europe was severely altered. Russia was a country to be respected, admired and even feared.

Employing his remarkable energy, Peter gave Russia her first professional standing army and several great victories. Perhaps more notably, he raised a navy to rival those of Britain and Holland, allowing Russia to master the Baltic Sea.

But perhaps the most tangible legacy of his reign is this city – St. Petersburg. Defying all logic, fuelled by his hatred of Moscow and his love of all things maritime, he ordered it to be built on a coastal marsh settlement recently captured from the Swedes. The northern capital can be seen as a monument to Peter and his triumphs. No other ruler would even have dreamt of taking on such a feat.

It is almost impossible to list all of Peter’s accomplishments – he was a significant figure in European and indeed world history. As just one example, it’s highly unlikely that Russia would have been able to defeat Napoleon in 1812, had it not been dragged through Peter’s reforms.

Peter the Great was by no means perfect. The shadow of tyranny looms over his reign, for his drastic reforms were not well received by all. Instead, “the only choice he offered to his advisors and officials was to hoist their sails to the winds of change or be dashed by it onto the rocks.” Peter himself took part in the executions of men who had previously been close allies. And, perhaps most shockingly of all, he ordered the interrogation of his own son Alexei, which led to the young man’s torture and death…

“Viewed from a Western standpoint, the enigma that is Peter is part of that larger enigma that is Russia – an enigma we still live with,” Peter is a complex figure and original character, - a “reincarnation of the rulers of Ancient Rome.”


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