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A) Read and learn the poem by heart.

By Cal Begun


People in pain can be cross as a rule.

However, the Pharmacist helps them keep their cool.

Always your friend, he often gives free advice.

Remember his service when you consider the price.

Many years he has trained before he could start

And more importantly, he's got a great big heart.

Certainly his is the most trusted profession,

It's your health that is his obsession.

So the next time you see him, give him a smile,

Treat him nicely, you'll get it back by a mile.

Surely, he'll keep you healthy, at least for a while!

B) Answer the questions.

1. Have you ever dreamed to be a pharmacist? Why?

2. What is the first thing that pops into your head when someone asks you to
picture a pharmacist?

3. Is the profession of a pharmacist the most trusted one? Why?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the poet's views? Why?

C) Team work.

1. Make a list of 3 main things a pharmacist should do.

2. Make a list of 3 things you will change for the better in the duties of a pharmacist.

3. Compare your lists and discuss them.


IV. Speaking.

Discuss the following questions.

1. The mission of a pharmacist is to help patients make the best use of their medications. How can a pharmacist do it in the best way?

2. Some pharmacists go on to do a pharmacy residency. What are the advan­tages and disadvantages of doing this?

3. As a pharmacist, what characteristic do you feel will be prominent in your dealing with the patients?

4. Being a pharmacist means being a lifelong learner. What does the term lifelong learner mean to you?

VIII тема: Лікарські рослини. Ліки. Класифікація

та характеристика типів ліків. Рецепт.

Анотація до лікарського засобу.


Types of plants. Medicinal plants.

Види рослин. Лікарські рослини.

І. Vocabulary.

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