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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Principles of selection of Active Gr.

the p-l of frequency of use of Gr. phenomena in oral speech. E.g. Present Simple.

the p-l of ability of Gr. phenomena to be stylistically neutral, it must serve as a pattern.

the p-l of exclusion of synonymous Gr. phenomena.

Principles of selection of Passive Gr.

the p-l of frequency of use of Gr. phenomena in written speech. E.g. Present Perfect Continuous.


Rules for teacher how to teach Gr.:

Instruct Gr. usage and not Gr. knowledge.

The best way of teaching Gr. through practice and communication.

Litttlewood presents the procedure on Gr. item as a continuum which covers the following stages: 1 primary concern on form; 2 focus on form+meaning; 3focus on meaning+form; 4 focus on meaning+usage.

The 3-phraze framework for teaching grammar: P P P (presentation - practice - production). It is very important to use the principle of cognitive – intellectual orientation that makes the pupils activate their prior knowledge. At all the stages of work with grammar material we must be careful to prevent interference that can be caused by the points of difference in FL and the Native language.

Gr. Presentation

Gr. Practice (graded exercises)

Grammar production


while actively



The ways of Presentation of new grammar: Inductive (from examples to rules) - Deductive (from rules to examples) and Lexical (no rules).

Choice of them depend on 3 main factors:

psychological factor: students’ language ability e.g. strong students (Inductive), weak (Deductive), young (Lexical).

linguistic factor: the character of the Gr. Material e.g. Deductive- articles.

pedagogical factor: Deductive – if you have no time.


Обучение аудированию как акту опосредованного общения. Влияние различных факторов на успешность обучения аудированию. Упражнения для предупреждения и преодоления трудностей восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух (teaching listening. Influence of difficult factors to success in t list. ex-s for avoiding diff-s).

Listening is a significant and essential area of the development of Intercultural communicative competence for “listening is the process of receiving, attending to and assigning meaning to aural stimuli, it is a complex problem-solving task which sharpens thinking and creates interaction.

Listening interacts with speaking, it usually occurs in conjunction with speaking. Listening takes =90% of class time at school and it is probably the most important skill in overall communication. For many it is the most important medium through which significant cultural information is conveyed.

Difficulties of listening. -Unknown language (words and grammar).-Unintelligible manner of presentation (poor clarity of diction, etc).-Unfamiliar topic (never heard of the problem);-lack of own experience (have never been in the circumstance);-No visual clues (images, gestures, mimicry);-No personal opinion (have never thought about it).

-No expectations' about the text (the information came all of a sudden).;-Interference of the FL1 on the ph, gr, voc. level. (Examples are supplied by students). Listening exercises include: 1.training exercises (to train the mechanisms that are involved); on short-term memory;-on anticipation;-on logical thinking 2. speech exercises

ü -listen and do (follow instruction, and connect);-listen and answer the questions;-listen and transfer (tables, diagrams, graphs, notes); 3.communicative exercises; -(listen-and-infer), express your opinion. All the exercises should be adequate to the aims set. Listen-and-do activities imply that the language learner listen to the language and perform commands, follow instructions, draw, tick off items on the list, sequence the text, match strip cartoons (picture stories), maps, plans, family trees, pictures etc. For example: draw a house and a tree near it, etc,

Listen-and-transfer activities imply that while listening to the language material the students transfer information to tables, diagrams, graphs, drawing, notes maps etc.

Listen-and infer activities are based on such tasks as interpreting situations, words, attitudes in the discourse drawing conclusions, making assumptions and judgments, "true or false". Work on the text for LC implies 3 stages:

ü Pre-listening activities

ü While-listening activities

ü Post-listening activities

Jigsaw listening is a communicative activity which consists in making up the whole text on the basis of the different pieces the individual listeners hear.

Требования к текстам для обучения аудированию как акту опосредованного общения. Методика работы с аутентичными аудиотекстами на уроке иностранного языка. Презентация аудиотекста и контроль его понимания.

The process of leaching LC is guided by principles (specific principles).

Principle 1. Teaching to listen is a communicative skills. It means that the learners, are taught the ability to listen in real or close-to-real situations.

Principle 2. Teaching to listen is based on authentic materials. It implies that the materials are either “authentic made” or “authentic like” for teaching purposes.

Principle 3. Teaching to listen is an integrated skill. It should be taught in integration with other skills. Usually people listen and speak, listen and write listen and read. Listening is connected with speaking, writing and reading.

Лапидус Б.А. speaks of reading priority which helps in teaching listening. (Give examples of the tasks that would meet the principles of teaching LC).

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