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University Education in Great Britain

Active Vocabulary.

1. Learn the following list of words:

1. self-governing institutions - самоуправляемые учебные заведения

2. to receive financial support - получать финансовую поддержку

3. income - доход

4. to provide - обеспечивать

5. regulations - правила внутреннего распорядка

6. to appoint - назначать, принимать на работу

8. staff – преподаватели

9.to admit - принимать

10.to apply for admission - подавать заявление о приеме

11.the University’s Central Council on Admission (UCCA) [' Λk¶ ]- центральная приемная комиссия

12.reference - характеристика

13.to make an offer - послать приглашение

14.rejection - отказ

15.to arrange the courses - организовать учебу на курсе

16.to award degrees - присуждать степени

17.a bachelor degree - степень бакалавра

18.a master degree - степень магистра

19.duration - продолжительность, срок

20.graduate - выпускник высшего учебного заведения, получивший степень

21.sophomore - студент- второкурсник

22.roughly - приблизительно

23.redbrick universities - «краснокирпичные» университеты

24.tutorial system – университетская система прикрепления студентов к

отдельным консультантам

25.tutor – руководитель группы студентов в английском университете

26.to require - требовать

27.an essay - эссе

28.once a fortnight - раз в две недели

29.approach - подход

30.centres of social activities - центры по организации культурно-просветительных мероприятий

Exercises (Pre-reading tasks).

1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

principal [′prinsip¶l]; higher [′hai¶]; autonomous [:′tn¶m¶s]; governing [′gΛv¶niŋ]; although [:l′ðou]; financial [fai′næn∫¶l]; staff [sta:f]; procedure [pr¶si:d¯¶]; admission [¶d′mi∫n]; council [′kaunsl]; reference [′refr¶ns]; requirement [ri′kwai¶m¶nt]; award [¶′w:d]; duration [dju′rei∫n]; sophormore [′sf¶m:]; roughly [′rΛfli]; St. Andrews [snt′ ændru:z]; Aberdeen [′a:b¶di:n]; Edinburgh [′edinb¶r¶]; fortnight [′f:tnait]; medicine [′medsin]; law [l:]; approach [¶′prout∫]; union [′ju:nj¶n]; cultural [′kΛlt∫¶r¶l]; recreational [ rekri′ ei∫nl].


2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:

principal, autonomous, financial, on the basis, selection, procedure, headteacher, candidate, department, minimum, federation of colleges, normal, results, correction, discussion, building material, individual, faculty, Business Administration, popular, modern, centre, cultural.

3. Read and translate the following derivatives paying attention to the suffixes and prefixes:

educate - educator - education prefer - preference

depend - dependent - independent apply - application

regulate - regulation - regular - regularly reject - rejection

admit - admittance require - requirement

teach - teacher - teaching arrange - arrangement

found - founder - foundation graduate - post-graduate - undergraduate

select - selection - selected usual - usually - unusual

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the function of the verb «to have» and to the differences of its translation.

1. The Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations.

2. Redbrick universities have become most popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

3. The University’s Central Council on Admission sends a form which young people have to fill in.

4. On this form they have to write down the names of universities in order of preference.

5. A young man has got two references, one of which is from the headteacher of his school.

6. Ancient universities have all facilities for successful work and study.

7. Students have to do one or two essays a week.

8. Tutor discusses with the student the work he has done and criticizes in detail the essay he has written.

9. The work the students have to do is presented to their tutor at a tutorial.

10. Many well-known scholars and scientists have been educated at Oxford.

11. In most universities students have their own unions.

Text 1.


The word university (Latin – universitas) like the word college (Latin – colleguym) meant originally a society of people with a common employment. It was only later that it was associated with scholarship (ученость).

All higher education is selective, usually depending on how well a student does in GCSE “A” level (the General Certificate of Secondary Education, “Advanced” Level) taken at about 18.

British universities are independent autonomous, self-governing institutions. Although they all receive financial support from the state (about 79 per cent of their income is now provided by government grants), the Department of Education and Science has no control over their regulations, curriculum, examinations, appointment of staff, or the way in which money is spent. Students are admitted to British universities on the basis of their results in the examinations for the Central Certificate of Secondary Education at “O” and “A” levels.

A selection procedure is rather complicated.

A person who wants to go to university usually applies for admission. First of all he must write to the University’s Central Council on Admission (UCCA) and they send him a form which he has to fill in. On this form he has to write down the names of six universities in order of preference.

This form, together with two references, one of which must be from the headteacher of his school, is sent back to the UCCA.

The UCCA office receives applications for admission to first degree courses at nearly all the universities and university colleges in the UK.Decisions on such applications are made by the universities themselves and transmitted through the UCCA office. The department may make the candidate an offer or send him a definite rejection.

The minimum requirement for British universities is five passes at GCSE “O” level and two passes at “A” level.

A British university consists of colleges. It arranges courses, lectures and examinations, and awards degrees. After three or four years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. He can continue to take his Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s Degree.

A person studying for a degree at University is called an undergraduate; one who has taken a degree is called a graduate. They call a first-year student a freshman, a second-year - sophormore. A third-year-student is called a junior and the student in his fourth year is called senior or undergraduate.

British universities can be roughly divided into three groups: Oxford and Cambridge, the redbrick universities and the new universities.

The tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all other British universities. Each student has a tutor, whom he can consult on any matter whether academic or personal.

The universities which were founded between 1850 and 1930, including London University, are known as redbrick universities. They were called so because that was the favourite building material of that time. Subjects are taught here in individual departments, which are grouped into faculties. For example: Arts, Medicine, Law, Business Administration, Education.

The new universities were founded after the Second World War. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

An undergraduate programme consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes. The academic year is split into three terms. Terminal examinations are held at the end of the autumn, spring and summer terms.

In most universities students have centres of cultural and social activities. There are special clubs for those interested in drama, music, athletics. Students organize all these clubs and societies. In all universities there are gymnasiums with changing rooms and showers, tennis courts, playing fields for football.

Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such as colleges of technology and agriculture. They prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own fields.


1. Suggest the Russian for:

post-school institutions of higher education; income; appointment of staff; on the basis of their performance in the examinations; on the advanced level; a master degree is awarded; a tutor; subjects are taught here; departments are grouped into faculties; became popular; unions; self-governing; selection procedure; a reference.

2. Suggest the English for:

независимый и автономный; отдел образования и науки; программа; студентов принимают; преподавание основано на; степень бакалавра присваивается; человека называют; университеты подразделяются на; Оксфорд и Кембридж основаны; они называются так; предметы преподают здесь; бланки возвращают в комиссию; минимальные требования; индивидуальная система обучения; требовать; письменные работы по теме; раз в две недели; современный подход; центры отдыха; решение о приеме; индивидуальное занятие; семестровый экзамен.

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