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Уроки 101-105. Резервні уроки


Урок. Канада

Мета: опрацювати й вивчити нову лексику; дізнатись нові факти про Канаду; розвивати навички читання, говоріння, аудіювання та письма; продовжувати розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; продовжувати виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: підручник, мультимедійний проектор, екран.




Т. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you today? What is the weather today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let’s start our lesson!


Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Мозковий штурм

1. Why do people travel?

2. Do you like travelling?

3. What kind of traveling do you know?

4. Why do people travel by plane?

5. Do you want to travel to English-speaking countries?

Look at the screen. Be attentive!

Робота зі словником

□ An immigrant — іммігрант

□ The United Kingdom — Об’єднане Королівство (Великобританії)

□ Original — початковий, первісний

□ To cover — покривати, обкладинка, займати

ü Make up sentences with new words.

For example:

1. My father is an immigrant.

2. There are many immigrants in the Canada.

3. My house covers 12 square kilometers.

4. I shall travel to the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Робота в парах

ü Find the right translation.

1) wonder a) отримувати
2) ancient times b) незалежний
3) receive c) площа
4) introduce d) коріння
5) cover e) давні часи
6) area f) населення
7) population g) корінний, справжній
8) root h) іммігрант
9) immigrant i) знайомити, рекомендувати
10) original j) диво
11) independent k) займати, покривати


Text "Different countries, different places"

Our world has many faces. It is different in its beauty. There are lots of wonders in the world. Since ancient times men have travelled to different countries and continents and have sailed across different seas and oceans. People have always wanted to know the world better. The “English Bridge” group has received many letters from different countries. The Canadian School Magazine “The Winni Peggies” is our new friend. The Canadian friends introduce their country here.

Meet Canada! It is the second largest country in the world. It covers 9,976,185 square kilometres. This area is as big as the whole Europe. The population is 27 million people. It is less than half the population of Britain.

Most of the Canadians have their roots in families of immigrants from European countries: the United Kingdom and Ireland, France and Germany. Today a lot of immigrants come from Asia. The original population were the Eskimos and the Indians. Most of them live in the north of Canada.

In winter Canada is very cold and has a lot of snow. Winter sports are very popular here.

For many years Britain and France fought for Canada. It is an independent country now. But the British Queen is still the head of the state. Most of the population speak English, but about 6 million Canadians speak French.

This is the CN Tower in Toronto. Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Other big cities are Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. We live in Winnipeg. The capital is Ottawa. It is not very big but comfortable.

Говоріння. Робота в парах

ü Answer the questions.

1. Is Canada a large country?

2. Are the winters cold there?

3. What is the largest city in Canada?

4. Is Ottawa a small city?

5. What languages do they speak in Canada?

6. What is the population of the country?

7. What is Canada today?

Вікторина "What do you know about Canada?"

1. Canada is....

2. a) the largest country in the world

3. b) the second largest country in the world

4. c) third largest country in the world

5. The capital of Canada is....

6. a) Montreal

7. b) Toronto

8. c) Ottawa

9. Canada has two official languages. They are....

10. a) English and German

11. b) English and French

12. c) English and Canadian

13. The official colours of Canada are....

14. a) red and blue

15. b) white and red

16. c) red and gold

17. Canada national sport is....

18. a) baseball

19. b) football

20. c) ice hockey

21. The Canadian head of state is....

22. a) the Queen

23. b) the President

24. c) the Prime Minister

25. A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called....

26. a) an igloo

27. b) a cabin

28. c) a hut

29. The world famous waterfall situated in Canada is....

30. a) Victoria

31. b) Niagara

32. c) Sutherland

33. Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink. What is it?

34. a) Cola

35. b) lemonade

36. c) maple syrup

Keys: 1 b; 2 c; 3 b; 4 b; 5 c; 6 a; 7 a; 8 b; 9 c.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

ü Answer the questions.

1. What did you do during today’s lesson?

2. Did you like today’s lesson?

3. What new did you know from today’s lesson?

4. What did you learn on today’s lesson?

5. Did your expecting come true?

6. Dear children, it’s our last English lesson this year. I wish you to have great summer holidays and interesting travellings. See you in autumn!

Your marks are...

HAPPY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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