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Урок 10. Про мене, мою сім'ю та друзів

Мета: вивчати лексику та граматичні конструкції у межах теми; розвивати комунікативні навички, здібності слухати оточуючих, пам'ять, увагу та мислення; виховувати ввічливість та культуру спілкування, любов до ближніх.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




T. Good morning! Take your seats, please. Today we’ll speak about very important thing. Listen to the poem and try to guess what we’ll talk today about.

This is my father,

This is my mother,

This is my brother Paul.

This is my sister,

This is my grandmother,

How I love them all.

P1. About a family.

P2. About our families.

P3. About members of our family.

P4. About our relatives.

T. Pay attention to the last line: How I love them all. What does it mean?

P5. We’ll talk about family relations.

T. You are quite right.


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 1, с. 23.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T. The theme of our lesson is “What is a family in people’s life?” First of all let’s remember the members of a family. Work in chain. Don’t repeat the words.

Ps. Father, mother...

T. And now give the opposites.

□ father □ mother
□ sister □ brother
□ dad □ mum
□ husband □ wife
□ uncle □ aunt
□ son □ daughter
□ granddad □ grandma
□ niece □ nephew

T. And one more task. Guess who they are.

□ My father and my mother are my. parents.
□ My mother’s daughter is my. sister.
□ My father’s mother is my. grandmother.
□ My father’s brother is my. uncle.
□ My mother’s sister is my. aunt.
□ My aunt’s son is my. cousin.
□ The daughter of my brother or a sister is my. niece.
□ The son of my brother or a sister is my. nephew

Пояснення нового матеріалу

T. You’ve done it perfectly well.

You know in many families people know their ancestors, who lived many centuries ago. They know their roots. And what about you? Show your family trees and tell us about the members of your families. Listen to her and then ask her questions to get more information.

P1, 2, 3 (розповідь про родину)

P1. Is your mother a teacher?

P2. What is your mum’s favourite sport?

P3. Do you spend much time with your cousins?

T. Your families are really good. When else do we say: “What a good family!”

When members of the family.

□...help each other.

□...love each other.

□...trust each other.

□...care of each other.

□...get on well.

□...have family traditions.

T. Yes, it’s really a good family. The first thing you said is helping. You should help everybody in your family especially your mother. Tell me how you help your mothers. What are your responsibilities?

P1. I wash the dishes.

P2. I sweep the floor.

P3. I take out the rubbish.

P4. I water the plants.

P5. I go shopping.

P6. I sat the table and clear the table.

P7. I vacuum-clean every day.

P8. I look after my elder sister.

P9. I walk the dog.

T. How nice you are! It’s good that all of you have responsibilities in your families. But a good family is also a close family. What should you do to make your family closer?

P1. I should talk to my parents more often.

P2. I should give my granny more love.

P3. I should help my younger sister with problems she has at school.

P4. I should try to understand my elder brother.

P5. I should set a good example to my younger sister.

P6. I must help my mum.

P7. I must do homework every day myself.

T. And what about your parents? What must they do?

P1. Parents must give us more love.

P2. Parents must try to understand us.

P3. Parents must give us more freedom.

P4. Parents must help us with problems at school.

Виконання вправ

Впр. 1, 2, с. 24.

Уведення нової лексики

С. 25. Впр. 3, с. 24.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good luck!

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 4, 5, с. 26.

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