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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Гуманітарного факультету

Mетодичні вказівки

Для практичних занять з англійської мови

Студентів І курсу денного відділення

гуманітарного факультету

спеціальності «Дизайн»


Методичні вказівки для практичних занять з англійської мови для студентів І курсу денного відділення гуманітарного факультету спеціальності «Дизайн». /Укл.: Правда Н.А., - Запоріжжя: ЗНТУ, 2010. 58 c.


Укладач: Правда Н.А., викладач.



Рецензент: Прошина Г.М., cт... викл.

каф. іноземних мов




за випycк: Н.А.Правда - викладач




на засіданні кафедри ТПП

Протокол №11 від 14.06.10 р.




Unit 1 Origins of design................... 4

Unit 2 Design in our life.................. 9

Unit 3 Innovation in design..................15

Unit 4 Invention and design................. 20

Unit 5 Eco design.................... 23

Unit 6 Environmental design................ 28

Unit 7 Lighting design................... 31

Unit 8 Eco projects..................... 36

Unit 9 Landscape design.................. 42

Unit 10 Ergonomics.................... 46

Unit 11 Interior design................... 51

Unit 12 Workplace design.................. 54






Active vocabulary


Read and memorize the following words:


alienation - відчуження

available - доступний, придатний

colour - колір

compete - конкурувати;

competition - суперництво, конкуренція

craftsman/artisan - ремісник, майстровий

create - створювати

decor - убрання; декор; оформлення (виставки і тому подібне);

decorate - прикрашати, декорувати

decoration - прикраса, декорування

degrade - деградувати, приходити в занепад

develop - розвивати

fade away - (поступово) зникати, згасати

furniture - меблі, обстановка

generation - покоління

glazing - глазурування, полірування

handcraft - ремесло

jewellery - ювелірні вироби

manufacture – виготовляти, виробляти

mass-production - масове (серійне, потокове) виробництво

metalwork - художня робота по металу, металообробка

nobility - благородство; велич

ornament(ation) – прикраса, прикрашання

out of date - застарілий, несучасний

overlap - співпадати, перекривати

pattern - зразок, шаблон, малюнок, узор

profit - прибуток, вигода

promotion - підтримка, просування

recapture - узяти назад, знову захопити

reflect - відображати, роздумувати

shape - форма

skill - майстерність, уміння

supersede - замінювати, зміщувати

textile - текстиль, тканина

upheaval - зрушення, переворот

withstand - протистояти

Pre-text Exercises

1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

phenomenon designer product modern

industrialization individual aesthetic

revolution standard stylistic

3. Guess the meaning of the words in bold type and translate them into Russian:

to work - worker to produce - producer

noble - nobility design - designer

change - unchangeable to manufacture - manufacturer

expensive - inexpensive beauty - to beautify

possible - impossible to reflect - reflection

to train - trainer to discover - to rediscover

4. Form nouns using the suffixes -ment, -tion, -ion:

to move to produce to reflect to transform

to develop to celebrate to promote to construct


5. Read the text to understand the Industrial Revolution's impact on the development of design.


Up until the Industrial Revolution objects were made by craftsmen, either working on their own, collectively in rural cottage industries or in Guilds or Societies in the towns. The majority worked at a low level of skill and design, producing simple buildings, furniture, plates, etc. This resulted in localized designs often produced by generations of one family with no technological or design style changes. It was as if time stood still.

There were a few craftsmen who worked for the nobility and the rich merchants producing objects based on designs and technology taken from other countries. They formed their own design styles, but they still could only make a limited number of objects at a high price. These objects can now be seen in museums.

The dates given for design style movements can only be approximate. Nothing suddenly happens. In many cases two styles overlap, one was fading away and one coming in. The reasons why these new movements occur are a complex mix of historical, political and social facts, but that is history.

The time between 1914 and 1950 was a period of great upheaval, loss of life and world depression. However, new technologies still steadily improved and design went through different styles (First World War 1914- 1918, Second World War 1939-1945). The history of Industrial Design really began with the start of the Industrial Revolution that took place during the early part of the 1700's with the invention of mechanical processes of production. Everything changed, for the first time it was possible to produce large quantities of a product cheap enough for most people to own.

The design of the product came out of the technology available at the time. Ceramic manufacturers found it easy to mass-produce plain white plates but still had to paint on the pattern by hand - too expensive. They developed a method of transfer printing but only blue ink would withstand the high temperatures used during the glazing process. This is why all the plates of the early period are blue, the most famous being the Willow Pattern. As ink technology improved, so did the colour and complexity of the patterns.

Design was led by its technology and was of a very low standard with very little thought for the user. Manufacturers spent no money on beautifying their products as they had little competition and were out to make as much money as possible. In those days designers were either architects or artists and manufacturers felt no need to use them. In the early part of the 1800's, people began to realize that there was a problem. The archi­tect, Charles Cockerel said, 'The attempt to supersede the work of the mind and the hand by mechanical process for the sake of economy will always have the effect of degrading and ultimately ruining art.' Many years later, the Bauhaus used technological processes as the basis of their designs. In 1833, a Parliamentary Select Committee was set up to examine the problem of a low standard of product design.

The morality of the country was felt to be reflected through its art. This feeling is still held today by many academics. In 1837, a government School of Art was set up with the aim to train designers for working with industry but it failed. It took the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the Arts and Crafts Movement to change things.

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