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Translate the text into Russian. Hydroelectric power plants are built on rivers

Hydroelectric power plants are built on rivers. Large-capacity hy­droelectric power plants are commonly located at considerable dis­tances from the consumers of electric power.

The production process at these plants is rather simple: the water flows into the hydroturbine runner, acts upon the runner blades and ro­tates the runner and the turbine shaft.

The generator shaft is connected to the turbine runner shaft. The dif­ference in the water level influences the power capacity of a plant, i.e. the magnitude of the water head and the daily inflow of water fluctuates considerably according to the season.

The production process is different at power plants of different con­structions and of different kinds. In atomic power plants, for example, it is not so simple as in hydroelectric plants.



2. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:

1. Hydroelectric power plants a) on rivers.

are built b) on waterfalls.


2. Large-capacity power plants a) at a short distance from consumers of power

are located b) at a considerable distance from consumers

of power



3. The production process at the a) is very complex.

plants b) is rather simple.


4. The power capacity of a plant a) remains constant.

b) changes considerably.

c) is influenced by the difference in the water



5. The daily inflow of water a) fluctuates according to the


b) fluctuates according to the season.


6. The production process a) depends upon the construction of the


b) is the same at power plants of different




3. Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask him/her to answer them:

1. On what sites are hydroelectric power plants built?

2. Are large-capacity plants located far from consumers of power?

3. Is the production process at the plants simple or is it complex?

4. What influences the power capacity of a plant?

5. According to what factors does the daily inflow of water fluctuate?

6. Does the production process at the plant depend on its construction?

7. Do you know that a thermal power plant seldom has an efficiency more than 40%?



4. Put down the Russian equivalents of these word combinations. Then
translate them back into English.

runner blade

turbine runner

turbine shaft

water level

water head

large capacity power plant

magnitude of the water head

daily inflow of water

turbine runner shaft


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