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Put the steps of cut-and-cover construction in the right order

a. Services like water pipes and electricity and communication cables are moved away from the tunnel route.

b. The tunnel is opened to traffic.

c. Surveyors mark out the route the tunnel will take and, in particular, the lines the tunnel walls will take.

d. Cranes and excavators arrive on site and build the walls of the tunnel.

e. The floor of the tunnel is built, and anchored into the bedrock below.

f. Excavators remove the dirt and rock from between the walls.

g. The tunnel services are installed including lights, fire protection systems, emergency exits and ventilation fans.

h. The roof beams are installed between the walls to hold them in place.


9. Discuss the methods of tunnel construction and find the examples to each method.


1. Fill in the gaps using the words below:

Cut-and-cover, hard rock, blast, tunnel boring machines, trench, immersed tube tunnel, ground, shafts, underwater, sizeable.

1. Before building a tunnel it is important to examine the conditions and type of _________ and groundwater.

2. Tunnels are dug in types of materials varying from soft clay to _________.

3. A _________ is excavated with ground support as necessary and the tunnel is constructed in it.

4. ___________ are the main entrance in and out of the tunnel until the project is completed.

5. The world’s oldest _________ tunnel is the Terelek kaya tüneli under Kızıl River in Turkey.

6. Seven _________ will be used to construct the tunnels for SCL project.

7. A 1.3km SCL cross-harbour tunnel across Victoria Harbour will be built by using _________.

8. _________ is a method of tunnel construction where a trench is excavated and roofed over.

9. The first _________ tunnel in soft ground was the Tronquoy tunnel on the St Quentin canal in France in 1803.

10. Before the advent of tunnel boring machines, drill and _________ was the only economical way of excavating long tunnels through hard rock, where digging is not possible.


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