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Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на передачу фразеологических оборотов

1. Half of the faux pas involved violations of patient confidential­ity

2. For any party leader, persuading the voters otherwise is a tall order.

3. Among the upper and middle class, most young men pulled every string they could to avoid fighting in a war that few of them agreed with.

4. This was a far cry from the usual charges against Ms. Reno.

5. Panics among international investors are as old as the hills.

6. It could become more difficult to assign contracts based on price alone and increased watchdog attention means it will be harder to turn a blind eye on safety.

7. The city fathers have finally given the green light to the first new building project in the city.

8. Of the three workers who were in the immediate vicinity two are so seriously injured that their chances are slim. The third might survive given appropriate medical care, but it will be touch and go.

9. "My treat," said George firmly, leading the way. Jonathan
made a half-hearted protest, "Why don't we go Dutch?"

10. A couple of glasses of wine had released his inhibitions long enough for him to accept the challenge, but the Dutch courage had­n't lasted for fifty minutes.

11. The members of the environmental movement are between a rock and a hard place. They don't like global warming and they don't like nuclear energy. But if they want to prevent global warm­ing, they are going to have to embrace nuclear energy.

12. I think a good accountant could pretty much make a living anywhere doing taxes. If you are not out to make a killing, that is.

13. Even if you love what you are doing, some days a one-person business feels like a one-ton albatross.

14. It's such a mixture of truth and falsehood. Our job is to sift the wheat from the chaff.

15. Sean Connery got a big hand from friends and fans at the Lincoln Center.

16. I doubt she gave a hood what Violet said. She'd had quite a checkered past.

17. Something rang the bell with him, distantly perhaps but clear enough to make him stop.

18. According to the servants, Miss Birtley has always disliked him, and made no bones about showing it.

19. He looked more than ever like a youngster playing hookey from high school.

20. Analysts say the mining concessions could become a bone of contention in the fragile new government of President Joseph Kabila.

21. Corporate bosses are mostly seen as bureaucrats who have risen to the top of the organization and got their fingers in the till. In other words, they set their own pay.

22. Angola can join OPEC and still produce as much as it wants and sell at pleasure through non-transparent channels. It's like hav­ing cake and eating it, too.

23. I don't mind telling you I'm like a cat on hot bricks until I've got her safe!

24. There were chestnuts to be picked out of the fire, and he was for it.

25.America's talk-show queen, the world's richest black person, is aiming to transfer her Midas touch to the world of politics, as she tries to market Barack Obama as the first black American president. Sen Obama could certainly do with a touch of Oprah magic.

26. When he is neck and neck in the polls with Mr. Brown, Mr. Cameron will need his base willing him to win.

27. The introduction of university tuition fees, a policy that barely scraped through in the Commons, was one of the most shameful con-tricks perpetrated by Tony Blair while in office.

28. Biotech companies are sometimes accused of cutting corners to get drugs approved and to overstate their effectiveness.

29. The reality is not all doom and gloom. The right to pursue happiness will surely eventually take root in a less violent and more liberal form among cultures that are inimical to it.

30. International events often prove awkward and traumatic-tests. Some of these are "bolt from the blue" moments which de­mand a response — such as September 11, 2001 — while others are closer to what Churchill called the "gathering storm" sort of crisis.

31. II you invest equities, you have to accept that market ups and downs are inevitable.

32. The move is a further sign that the star is losing interest in keeping up his status as an A-list leading man and is beginning to turn his back on Hollywood.

6. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на передачу фразеологических оборотов, употреб­ленных в данных предложениях в обновленной форме.

1. Indoor air pollution at work has become a serious health con­cern. Yet the remedy may be as simple as cultivating a green thumb. Can a plant a day keep the doctor away?

2. For rough digging he had no peers. Only keep him from plant­ing what he dug. He had black fingers.

3. Komisar is an accomplished hi-tech hand with 15 years' ex­perience, something in short supply in Silicon Valley.

4. Procrustes in modern dress, the nuclear scientist will prepare the bed on which mankind must lie and if mankind doesn't fit — well, that will be just too bad for mankind.

5. Governments are realistic about the extreme difficulty of re­straining their citizens' green house-gas emissions and so err on the conservative side.

6. What on earth is going on in the buy-to-let market? It is now cheaper to take out a buy-to-let mortgage than a regular residential home loan. Have we buy-to-let gone of our senses?

7. I've vowed that I'd rather leave my fruit trees to their own devices. But that was before peachgate.

8. That was a dumb stunt and I should have set some bells ring­ing earlier that I did.

9. He'll always have fingers in enough pies to keep you busy.

10. "So there was something!" said Abby. "A skeleton in our re­spectable cupboard! I wish I could know what it was!"

11. Few careers have sailed through the recession, but some have toughed it out better than others. In fact, if there's a silver lining to the economy's dark cloud, it's the power of a downturn to test a career's mettle.

12. To prevent floods millions of pounds must be spent on im­proving drainage and protecting infrastructure. "You either pay up­stream to prevent, or you pay downstream to mop up but you've got to pay," says Young. "Climate change is coming home to roost."

13. Every offender is a potential repeat offender. But with young Angus the leopard really did change.

14. How much work is healthy for you? All work and no play can cause health problems.

15. Sexual harassement is a tricky territory: one person's joke is another's lawsuit.

16. Old Etonian Andrew Spicer, whose mouth had been stuffed with silver on the day he was born, was never going to suffer that kind of discrimination.

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