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Text 2. Engine and Wing Anti-Ice System in Boeing 737

Boeing 737 has an advisory ice detection system. An ice detective sensor is installed on the nose of the airplane. When the sensor detects ice the amber ICEING light illuminates and EICAS advisory message ICE DET displays. When the sensor on longer detect ice, the ICEING lights extinguishes and the EICAS advisory message ICE DET OFF displays.

The system operates in an advisory capacity only. Crew action is required to activate and deactivate the engine and wing anti-ice systems.

After ice buildup has been detected, the crew activates the cowl anti-ice using the switches on the anti-ice panel. Similarly, wing anti-ice is activated by the wing anti-ice switch.

Wing and engine anti-ice controls are located on the overhead panel. Engine anti-ice is controlled through two switches. The ON position commands the valves open, allowing operation of the system both on the ground and in flight, for example, during taxi in ice condition. Position the left engine anti-ice switch to ON and note the identification. The engine inlet anti-ace systems are independent, this allows the other system to operate should an engine fail. Engine anti-ice operation is indicated here by the green TAI annunciation. The respective TAI symbol is displayed whenever the associated engine anti-ice valve is open. Corrections to maintain required N1 limits are made automaticly.

Continuous ignition is automaticly activated when the ANTI-ICE switch is turning on and ENG START Selector is in AUTO.

The VALVE light illuminates if there is disagreement between the ANTI-ICE switch and the cowl anti-ice valve position. If cowl anti-ice valve fails, the L or R ENG ANTI-ICE EICAS message is displayed.

Wing anti-ice is controlled by a single selector. As you may recall, engine bleed air provides heat to anti-ice the three outboard leading edge slats. In flight, pushing the WING ANTI-ICE switch ON, commands the wing anti-ice valve in each wing to open. When open the anti-ice valve permits bleed air to flow to the three outboard leading edge slats.

System logistic inhibits all wing anti-ice operation on the ground. As with the engine anti-ice, a disagreement between the WING Anti-ice switch and valve position will illuminate the appropriate VALVE light and the L or R WNIG ANTI-ICE message displays indicated a failure of the associates anti-ice valve.

Fig. 2.1

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences.

1. An ice detective sensor is installed on _______. 2. When the sensor detects ice _________ illuminates. 3. Crew action is required_________. 4. The crew activates the cowl anti-ice using _________. 5 Wing and engine anti-ice controls are located ________. 6. The ON position commands ________. 7. The engine inlet anti-ace independent systems allows _______. 8. The VALVE light illuminates if ________. 9. Wing anti-ice is controlled by _________. 10. When open the anti-ice valve permits __________.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is ice detective sensor installed? 2. When do the amber ICEING light illuminate? 3. What will change when ice is not detected? 4. What should crew activate when ice buildup has been detected? 5. Where are wing and engine controls located? 6. What switches do engine anti-ice system control? 7. How does the engine anti-ice system work? 8. What switch does wing anti-ice system control? 9. How does the wing anti-ice system work? 10. What will show the disagreement between switch and valve position?


Exercise 11. Translate text 3 with the help of following words:

hydrophobic coating – водооталкивающее покрытие

to inhibit - препятствовать

to stow - задерживает

to delay - опаздывать

to scratch – царапать

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