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Travelling by Air

Vlad Borisov, chief engineer of a Russian trade firm, travelled to Liverpool on business last week. He was in a great hurry and wanted to reach his destination as quickly as possible so he decided to choose a plane as the best way of traveling.

That is what he did on the day of his departure.

Borisov had arrived at Sheremetjevo air terminal an hour before the plane took off. He has his ticket registered, filled in a declaration form and joined the passengers in the waiting-room.

When they heard the announcement: "Attention, please. Will passengers for Liverpool join flight 62, at gate 4", the passengers had their personal luggage X-rayed and got on board the plane. The stewardess gave Borisov an arrival card to fill in. So, he wrote in block letters his full name, home address and the purpose of his visit. Then the sign "Stop smoking. Fasten seat belts" appeared and the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the passengers on board the plane felt comfortable. Vlad Borisov read some magazines and newspapers, then eat some sandwiches and drank a cup of coffee. Five and a half hours later the plane landed at the airport in Liverpool.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Vlad Borisov travel to last week?

2. What way of travelling did he choose?

3. When did Borisov arrive to the air terminal?

4. What did he do before flying?

5. When did the passengers get on board the plane?

6. What did Borisov write in the arrival card?

7. What did he do during the flying?

8. How much time did he travel by plane?


IV. What can you say about travelling by air?

J Speaking Practice


I. Translate the following speech patterns and memorize them.

How do you take to flying?

Flying makes me feel good (bad, rather ill).

How fast are we flying now? (What speed are we flying at?)

Would you mind lowering the back of my seat a little?

When does the plane land in London? (What's the flying time? How long will it take us to get to London?)

Would you care for some mineral water? Yes, please, a little. / Yes, thank you.


II. Practice these dialogues in pairs.

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