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The Gerund in the function of Attribute

11.0. In the function of Attribute GER modifies nouns and is positioned either in front of the noun or after it.

11.1. Mainly abstract nouns are modified by GER with prepositions (mostly of), e.g.

The composition of poetry differs from that of prose in the manner of mixing long and short syllables together. One of the means of pacifying a baby is feeding it. I am deeply interested in mental problems – and I am not without some skill in solving them. She was a mistress of the art of dressing well yet inexpensively. She had a style of luxury far above her own manner of living.

The GER modifying abstract nouns discloses their meaning by saying what kind of manner/art/chance, etc. is described.

The choice for the preposition may be determined by the requirements of the N, i.e. due to its lexical meaning or derivational relation to a V or an Adj. Here are some useful examples:



Art, manner, fear, awareness, chance, purpose, means, need, capability, intention, opportunity of skill, experience, interest in
capacity, talent, hope for anger, annoyance, nervousness about
surprise, amazement at keenness on
objection to satisfaction with
apology, excuse, thankfulness for precaution against
method of/for    

11.2. Single Gerunds modifying concrete nouns are mostly used in front of them: running shoes (=shoes for running), a dancing lesson (=a lesson of dancing), a boiling kettle (=a kettle for boiling water), a smoking car (=a railway car for smokers), a driving test (a test in driving), etc.

One can come across abstract nouns with the GER preceding it, e.g. teaching experience, shooting skills, speaking abilities, etc.

Note that only single Gerunds can precede the modified nouns, not the gerundial phrases: * teaching young children experience is ungrammatical and should be rephrased as experience in teaching young children.

The difference in the use of gerunds and participles in the function of Attr. will be observed in discussing the Participle (e.g. such phrases as dancing couples/dancing lesson, a boiling kettle/boiling water, etc.).



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