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The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac


The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac………………………………4

The Christmas the Lights Went out……………………………...5

Ali Goes to University…………………………………………...7

On the Catwalk…………………………………………………..9

Playing God……………………………………………………..11

A Small Family Business….……………………………………13

Tommaso Argento in London (part I)..…………………………15

Tommaso Argento in London (part II)………………………….17

The Tale of Peter Rabbit………………………………………..19

The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck………………………………21


Full Circle……………………………………………………….24

Woodrow Wilson’s Tie…………………………………………27

How’s your Mother?....................................................................29


The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac

1. Complete the following sentences with the words given in boxes.

acorn weeds deed
mane slither sneak up


1. When you …, you come near silently, keeping out of sight until the last moment.

2. The long hair on the back of a horse’s neck is called ….

3. A snake was … through the long grass.

4. An … is a nut of the oak tree, which grows in a cuplike holder.

5. … are any of several plants without flowers that grow in water and form a green floating mass.

6. … are better than words when people need help.


2. Listen to the legend of the Chinese Zodiac. Find the English for:

- нефритовый император - средство измерения времени - организовать состязание в скорости - принимать участие - постоянное место в зодиаке - пересечь быструю реку - достичь указанного места - плохое зрение - ничего не подозревающий кот - неуклюже выбраться на берег - преследовать по пятам - она поклялась, что всегда будет врагом - запыхавшись - словно из ниоткуда появился кролик - его прибило к берегу - хлопать крыльями - цепляться за бревно - доброе дело - шипеть - лошадь испугалась и встала на дыбы - пока она не опомнилась - сотрудничество - император выразил удивление - что ее задержало - ходить вперевалку - появиться - не смогла противиться желанию остановиться и перекусить - потребность прикорнуть

4. Answer the following questions:

1) Why did the Jade Emperor organize a race?

2) How did the rabbit’s log get washed to shore?

3) Why was the Emperor pleased with the sheep, monkey and rooster?

4) Why did the snake beat the horse?

5) Why do cats hate rats?

6) Put the animals in the Zodiac circle in the correct order. Which sign of the Chinese Zodiac were you born under?

7). Do you believe that stars can affect one’s character and fate?


5. Replace the attributes with their given synonyms:

The courteous pig was after the dog. The celestial dragon was immediately before the snake but after the commanding tiger. The merry monkey arrived two places ahead of the dog. The restless rat was first. The productive horse arrived between the diplomatic snake and the gentle sheep. The enthusiastic rooster beat the dog, but came straight after the monkey. Apart from the rat, only the hard-working ox arrived before the tiger. The delicate rabbit got there between the tiger and the dragon. The loyal dog was second to last. (Cheerful, diligent, fidgety, fragile, heavenly, keen, polite, powerful, prolific, reliable, tactful, tender.)


6. Make up a dialogue between the Jade Emperor and the cat discussing the race.


7. Find in the legend all linking words used to show chronological order. Reproduce the story in writing using them.


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