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Young poets

Every team has got a set of expressions but they are in jumbled order.

The task is to put them in a correct order and make a poem.

As wet as

the sea

As soft as

the sand

As rough

as a tree

As firm as

the land

As sweet as

some toffee

As cold as

some ice

As bitter as

Dad's coffee

As nice as

my rice

(A musical break)


While teams are doing the task the fans guess the riddles and sing a song "Head and shoulders."


Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes, (2)

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes, (2)

My eyes, my ears,

My mouth and my nose.

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes. (2)

(Let's sing it again, do it quicker).

Teacher. I'm sure you will guess all these riddles. Be very active, please.


1. It's a wild animal.

It's a big animal.

It lives in the forest.

It's yellow and black.

It's an angry animal.

What animal is it?

(It's a tiger)

2. This is a domestic animal.

It is a little animal.

It lives in the house.

It's grey or white, or black.

It likes drinking milk and eating mice.

What animal is it?

(It's a cat)

3. I can tell you all the day:

time to sleep and time to play.

(A clock)

4. I come with cold and snow

But you like me, I know.


5. I have no tongue, but tell a story;

I have leaves, but I'm not a tree:

Can you guess me?

(A book)

6. I am black and red, and blue.

I draw a picture for you.

What am I?

(A pencil)

7. It has no legs,

but it can jump and play.

(A ball)

8. It stands on the floor.

It has four legs, but it can't walk.

We often sit round it.

What is it?

(A desk, a table)

Your team is going on holidays but has to leave a pet at home.


Write a note to your friend and ask him to take care of it.

Dear Tom,

Please, feed my parrot, It eats corns and bread. It doesn't eat meat. It drinks water, it doesn't like milk.


Dear Torn,

Please, feed my fish. It eats worms and bread. It doesn't eat rice or soup. It likes fresh water. It doesn't like sweets or lemonade.


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