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OE preterit-present verbs and their further development

The preterite-present verbs had the following characteristics:

• Their Present-Tense forms resembled Past-Tense forms (Germ. “Präteritum” = past tense, that’s why they were called so);

• Some of these verbs did not have a full paradigm and were called “defective”;

• These verbs expressed attitude and were followed by the Infinitive without “to” (NB! Most of these verbs are present-day modal verbs);

• Out of 12 preterite-present verbs only 6 survived in ModE:

āζ (ought), cunnan (can), dear (dare), sculan (shall), maζan (may), mōt (must).

Present Tense form formed like Past Tense of strong verbs); Past T. form formed like Past Tense of weak verbs.

ME The following changes happened to the preterite-present verbs:

• They lost their Verbals (non-finite forms) (e.g. OE cunnen – Part 2 of cunnan);

• They lost the Number and Mood distinctions (e.g. OE cann (Indicative) – cunne (Subjunctive); OE cann (Sg) – cunnon (Pl)).

NE. The paradigm of the preterite-present verbs (that had already become modal verbs) was reduced to one or two forms (e.g. must (just one form), can, could (just two forms), etc.).

24. The rise of analytical forms in verbal system in ME.

In OE there were no analytical forms. They appeared later:

• ME – Future Tense, Perfect, Passive and Subjunctive forms;

In OE there was no Future Tense. Future actions were expressed by Present-Tense forms and modal phrases with sculan (shall), willan (will), maζan (may), cunnan (can), etc.

1. Formation

sculan/willan + Infinitive

Willan had more strong modal meaning (volition) that was later weakened and almost lost.

2. 13th – 14th c. – these forms were very common and sculan (shall) and willan (will) were completely interchangeable.

3. 17th c. – John Wallis introduced the rule “shall – 1st person, will – 2nd and 3rd person”.

4. In ModE there is a tendency to use will + 1st, 2nd and 3rd person without any distinction (earlier will + 1st person had the modal meaning of volition).

and had the following characteristics:

• They consisted of 2 elements:

 a verb of broad semantics and high frequency (an auxiliary);

 a non-finite form (Infinitive, Participle 1, 2).

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