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Unit 22 Probiem Verbs

Exercise 320.

Fill in the blanks with the verb rise or raise in the proper tense and voice.

1. Early to bed and early to___makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 2. She is very weak after pneumonia. She can hardly___from her bed. 3.1 would like to___ my glass to the health of our hostess. 4. The sun___in the east and sets in the west. 5. Are the living standards in your country___or falling from year to year? 6. He is a polite person. He always___his hat when he meets a lady who he knows. 7.___your hand if you have got a question. 8. He___his head to see her leave the room. 9. He___and slowly went up to the window. 10. He___ his eyebrows in great surprise. 11. The price for oil has ___recently. 12. The OPEC countries have___the price

of oil. 13. He___a heavy suitcase and went to the exit. 14. It is late. The stars are sparkling and the moon___. 15. He___sheep on his farm. 16. The independence of the states___new questions about what American higher education should be.


Exercise 321.

Fill in the blanks with the verb lie or lay in the proper tense and voice.

1.1 think I'll have to go and___down. I feel rather bad. 2.1 am so hungry. When will the table___? 3. When at the seaside, I like to go to the seashore in the evening and___on the beach looking at the stars. 4. The doctor says you mustn't___in the sun after 12 o'clock. 5. Why

did you___all your things on my table? 6. The kitchen was in disorder, plates and pans were___all over the place. 7. Manhattan ___at the mouth of the Hudson River. 8. The table___and the hostess invited everybody in. 9. She has___all her things on the bed before putting them into the suitcase. 10. The mother___her son into the bed. 11. The red rug___in front of the fire place. 12. The children must be tired. They should___a little. 13. The student___ his essay on the teacher's table. 14. He___the foundations of this company. 15. It was hot in the garden and we decided___in the shade under the oak-tree. 16. She___her hand on the girl's forehead.


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