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Упр. 17. Поставьте глаголы в необходимую форму времени и залога

1. My grandfather (retire) last year. 2. The telegram (send) by the next holiday. 3. Mail (deliver) every morning. 4. I (not / decide) what to do yet. 5. The driver (stop). 6. My father usually (go) to work by car. 7. Children (play) in the garden when we came. 8. The suitcases (pack) by 11 o’clock yesterday. 9. The question (still/discuss) when I came. 10. Their flat (sell) before they moved to Omsk.


11. Mona Lisa (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503.

12. The secretary said that the plane tickets (book).

13. The train (start) away after another stop when the accident occurred.

14. When the sun (rise) in Paris, it is still night in Mexico.

15. Today, over 8 million bicycles (use) in Beijing, China.

16. Railroads (use) in European mines in the mid-1500s.

17. The airport (close), as it (snow) heavily the whole week

18. The news (always/publish) in morning newspapers.

19. I believe you (make) good progress in English soon.

20. Thank you for the information. I (use) it in my work.

21. Our night club isn’t working at the moment. It is (redecorate).

22. When I entered the carriage some of the passengers (read), children (sleep).

23. The heaviest trains in the world (c a rry) bulk traffic such as iron ore and coal.


24. The development of the steam engine in the 18th century (revolutionize) transportation on both land and sea.

25. Most monorail systems around the world (serve) as tourist attractions.

26. This street railway (dismantle) next year because it makes a lot of noise and vibration.

27. By 1900 electric street railways (replace) horsecars as the chief form of city transport.

28. Domestic animals (use) for thousands of years to transport goods over longer distances.

29. Wheel measurements (often/take) under difficult conditions - under vehicles, in low light, with the users in awkward positions.

30. The diesel locomotive (replace) steam engines in the United States by the late 1950s.

31. In Hungary, salt (throw) on the threshold of a new house because people (think) that it will protect them from evil.

32. Chocolate is one of the most popular sweets in the world. It (eat) as candy, in cakes, cookies, and puddings.


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