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History of saw

It is believed that saw had been invented before any historic records were made. Among the earliest specimens, there are stone pieces with notched edges. They were mostly used for making an ornament on a bone or a soft stone.

For many years of their history, people have been successfully using bow-saws. In our country, it was still possible to find them in the post-war period. Their thin blades made from alloyed steel had an interesting feature — the back thicker than its cutting part with a complex teeth profile.

Band saws. The first band saw consisted of an endless steel band with teeth set along one edge, the band saw form was patented in Great Britain in 1808. However, band saw came into use in logging industry only in the last quarter of the 19th century. Nowadays, various types of band saws are used all over the world, starting with a thread-thin ones and finishing with immense saws with a length of fifteen meters and width of one-third of a meter, rotating on pulleys with a diameter of two and a half meters and a speed of five hundred revolutions per minute. Such saws possess excellent technical characteristics and can saw logs with a high speed. Modern band saws are fitted with teeth on both sides and can saw in both directions.

Gasoline saw. However, among the most popular there were power saws with gasoline engines, which in the course of time practically superseded electrical ones. Usually, an engine was placed on the one side of the saw chain, and a strainer with a lubrication system — on the other. The main advantage of gasoline saws in comparison with electric saws was in their autonomy — they did not depend on an exterior power source and did not need a supplying cable. Even nowadays, legendary Drouzhba (Friendship) gasoline saw, which was named in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Union of Ukraine and Russia, is widely used in rural areas. Being simple and reliable, this saw has become for many years the main tool of our loggers. Later, it was superseded by a more efficient and powerful Ural power saw, the main composition of which was in many ways similar to Drouzhba saw.


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