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D an information technology conference

abstract – аннотация apply – применять construction – строительство drafting machine – кульман exist – существовать forefront – передний край maintenance – техническое обслуживание marine engineer – инженер-механик naval architect – инженер-кораблестроитель operation – функционирование, эксплуатация production – производство related to – связанный с review – обозревать, рассматривать slide rule – логарифмическая линейка

1 Read the following text and answer the questions.

1. What devices did engineers often use before the computer revolution?

2. In what areas of shipbuilding have computers been used for a long time?

3. What area is new for the use of computers?

No modern industries can exist without IT, and in the last decades computers have changed them beyond recognition. Do you know what a drafting machine looks like? Or a slide rule? It is not surprising if you don’t, because engineering is very different nowadays from what it was even thirty years ago.

Shipbuilding has always been on the forefront of technology and innovation. Naval architects and marine engineers started to use computers in the designing and production of ships many years ago. Now information technologies are beginning to be applied in the fields of ship operation and maintenance.

2 Translate the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The (постройка) of this ship took three years. 2. We cannot (существовать) without IT nowadays. 3. The researcher wrote an (аннотацию) for the article. 4. Our university trains (инженеров-корабле­строителей) and (инженеров-механиков). 5. The new submarine types were (рассмотрены) in the latest issue of the Naval Forces. 6. We need new equipment for the (производственной) line. 7. Many problems (связанные с) shipbuilding were discussed at the conference. 8. When designing a ship it is important to take into account the (техническое обслуживание) cost.

ICCAS Trieste ICCAS will be the 15th International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding. The conference will review operational experience from existing computer applications in the design and construction of ships. It will also examine the advances in Information Technology which have helped to increase productivity in both shipbuilding and maritime operations. Call for Papers Please send us an abstract of about 200 words before the 17th of March. The successful papers will be related to computer applications in shipbuilding and will focus on the following subjects: · Design, including concept design, general arrangement, cost and work estimation, hull form and hydrodynamic analysis. · Production design, including structure, machinery, hull and outfitting. · Parts manufacturing and assembly, including shop automation, robotics, assembly and accuracy control. · Management of cooperative working between shipyards and equipment and systems manufacturers. · Inspection and maintenance, including life- cycle maintenance, environmental cost management, parts and systems reliability. · Skills management, knowledge transfer and other human resource issues. · Innovation, including new materials and eco design.

3 Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1. hold a conference 2. examine the advances 3. operational experience 4. concept design 5. increase productivity 6. computer application 7. maritime operations 8. successful papers 9. general arrangement a. повышать производительность b. одобренные статьи c. проводить конференцию d. изучать успехи e. общее расположение f. морские операции g. опыт эксплуатации h. концепция проекта i. применение компьютеров

4 Read the conference announcement on the left up to the marked list and answer the questions.

1. What is ICCAS?

2. Where will the conference be held?

3. What problems is the conference going to discuss?

4. What must you do to take part in the conference?

5 Read and translate the Call for Papers section and put the items into the following groups: design, production, maintenance, other.

accuracy – точность assembly – сборка cycle – цикл environment – окружающая среда estimation – оценивание, смета hull – корпус (корабля) issue – вопрос, проблема; выпуск (газеты, журнала) manufacture – производить machinery – механизмы, оборудование outfitting – оснащение resource – ресурс shipyard – верфь shop – цех structure – сооружение, конструкция transfer – передача

6 Choose one of the groups in ex.5 and describe possible computer applications for it. Use the model and the phrases below.

curve – кривая simulate – моделировать survey – наблюдать, отслеживать value – значение, ценность take into account – учесть, принять в расчет

Model:  The computer allows us to......... efficiently / quickly / accurately / economically.

perform calculations

find optimal curves / parameter values

survey the operations

provide accuracy in manufacturing

minimize the costs

organize the exchange of information between different departments

take many parameters into account

choose optimal material characteristics

simulate a testing procedure

7 Practice reading the words:

architect, maintenance, extract, increase, distribute, structure, reliability, arrangement, cycle, machinery, manufacture, accuracy, marine, simulate, hydrodynamic, available, environment, resource, automation, control

8 Put the words from the box into the gaps. There is one extra word which you do not need to use.

A shops resources estimation surveyed manufactures shipyard structure hold applications

1. We are going to _______ a conference on information technology in Saint-Petersburg next month.

2. The delegation visited the Admiralty _______ yesterday.

3. There are various _______ at our plant.

4. In his speech he _______ the situation in ship construction in Russia.

5. Computer _______ are very important for our research.

6. This factory _______ clothes.

7. Russia is rich in natural _______.

8. The cost _______ was high than we expected.

B assembly increase take into account issue accuracy hull simulates value environment

1. To get correct results in the experiment we must _______ different object speeds.

2. This equipment provides _______ control on the production line.

3. This _______ is independent of temperatures.

4. The new method will allow us to _______ productivity.

5. The computer program _______ the object movement under the water.

6. The workers had some difficulty with the _______ of the equipment.

7. It is necessary to protect the _______.

8. People’s health is an important _______ nowadays.

9 Match the abstracts of some papers from ICCAS to their titles.

1. Assessment of the Ship Safety Systems Operability

2. Computer Applications for Resource Planning

3. A Scheme for Basic Design Stage Interface


The use of 3D models is now commonplace among engineering design firms and shipyards. While the traditional means of conveying the design between the cooperating organizations is paper or digital drawings, the process can be speeded up if mechanisms exist to share the design model. The author has been involved in the development of modelling systems and tools that cover the range of the ship design lifecycle, including hullform development and analysis, 3D basic design, detailed design, planning, and production design. This paper presents a data exchange scheme and discusses ways of extending it to meet the needs of a broader audience and develop an industry standard exchange mechanism.


Shipbuilding CAD/CAM systems are a rich source of data that can be used by other business processes. In shipbuilding, managing and tracking the supply and use of materials via an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a large part of a shipyard’s IT infrastructure. ERP systems are data hungry applications, and while the technology to integrate these systems is usually available, an in-depth understanding of the shipyard’s business processes and how those processes map onto an integration effort is often a lacking component of many projects. This paper outlines an effort, undertaken by ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI), to meet this challenge for various shipbuilders.


Since the introduction of safe-return-to-port requirements, new passenger ships have had to achieve a prescribed level of systems availability for a series of damage scenarios for both flooding and fire. The availability of ship’s systems is difficult to assess as there is a high level of interdependency between them. This paper outlines a method for assessing systems availability at an early design stage taking into account the topology of the vessel as well as the interdependency of systems. The systems are modelled in a logical manner which helps to assess their availability for many damage scenarios and to modify them to meet the requirements.

10 Find the English equivalents for the Russian phrases in the abstracts.

Abstract A: сейчас является обычным, проектно-конструкторские бюро, средства передачи, чертежи в цифровой форме, передавать сведения о проекте, участвовал, инструменты, диапазон, способы расширения, удовлетворять потребности

Abstract B: системы автоматизированного проектирования, отслеживать поставки и использование, посредством, глубокое понимание, вписываются в, усилия, отсутствующая составляющая, обрисовывает, предпринятый, ответить на этот вызов

Abstract C: требования, соответствовать установленному уровню, развитие событий в случае аварии, затопление и пожар, оценить, взаимозависимость, удовлетворить требованиям

11 Formulate the main idea of each abstract in Russian.

12 Visit the ICCAS website and find out when and where the next conference will be held and what must be done to take part in it.

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