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Тема №2: Маркетинговые стратегии.

Strategy formation (Classical school)

The initial task in strategic management is typically the compilation and dissemination of the vision and the mission statement. This outlines, in essence, the raison d'etre of an organization. Additionally, it specifies the organization's scope of activities and the markets a firm wishes to serve.

Follow-on strategy formation is a combination of three main processes which are as follows:

Performing a situation analysis, self-evaluation and competitor analysis: both internal and external; both micro-environmental and macro-environmental. Concurrent with this assessment, short- and long-term objectives are set. These objectives should include completion dates. Implementation plans then detail how the objectives are to be achieved.

Strategy evaluation and choice

An environmental scan will highlight all pertinent aspects that affect an organization, whether external or sector/industry-based. Such an occurrence will also uncover areas to capitalize on, in addition to areas in which expansion may be unwise.

These options, once identified, have to be vetted and screened by an organization. In addition to ascertaining the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of an option, the actual modes of progress have to be determined.

Задание 1.

1.1. Определите, является утверждение:

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. тексте нет информации

The initial task in strategic management is the compilation and dissemination of the vision and the mission statement.

1.2. Определите, является утверждение:

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. тексте нет информации

Implementation plans never detail how the objectives are to be achieved.

1.3. Определите, является утверждение:

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. тексте нет информации


Strategy evaluation and choice highlights some options in planning business.

Задание 2.

Определите основную идею текста:

1. Strategy formation

2. Strategy evaluation and choice

3. Strategies used in the world today

Задание 3.

Внизу представлено краткое содержание текста. Используя информацию текста, закончите абстракт.

The initial task in strategic is the compilation and dissemination of the vision and the mission statement. It specifies the organization's of activities and the markets a firm wishes to serve. Follow-on strategy formation a combination of three main processes. evaluation and choice have to be vetted and screened by an organization.


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