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Use the relative pronouns below to complete these sentences.

Who which that where


1. «The job for big companies, the challenge …we all face as bureaucrats, is to create an environment … people can reach their dreams». Jack Welch (US business leader)

2. «He … has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander». Aristotle (Greek philosopher)

3. «A leader shapes and shares a vision … gives point to the work of others». Charles Handy (British writer)

4. « A leader should be humble. A leader should be able to communicate with his people. A leader is someone … walks out in front of his people, but he doesn't get too far out in front, to where he can't hear their footsteps». Tommy Lasorda (US sports personality)

5. « A leader is someone … knows what they want to achieve and can communicate that». Margaret Thatcher (British politician).

Тексты для перевода, реферирования и аннотирования


Read and translate the following texts using a dictionary. Subdivide them into logical parts. Entitle and write down the main idea of each part.

Text 1

Corporate lawyers

A corporate lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in corporations law.

As of 2005, there were 67,000 corporate lawyers in the United States, working on average for 50 hours per week, with a mean starting salary of USD64,000, rising to USD93,700 after 5 years and USD139,000 after 10-15 years.

The role of a corporate lawyer is to ensure the legality of commercial transactions, advising corporations on their legal rights and duties, including the duties and responsibilities of corporate officers. In order to do this, they must have knowledge of aspects of contract law, tax law, accounting, securities law, bankruptcy, intellectual property rights, licensing, zoning laws, and the laws specific to the business of the corporations that they work for. In recent years, controversies involving well known companies such as, Walmart and General Motors have highlighted the complex role of corporate lawyers in internal investigations, in which attorney-client privilege could be considered to shelter potential wrongdoing by the company. If a corporate lawyer's internal company clients are not assured of confidentiality, they will be less likely to seek legal advice, but keeping confidences can shelter society's access to vital information.

The practice of corporate law is less adversarial than that of trial law. Lawyers for both sides of a commercial transaction are less opponents than facilitators. One lawyer (quoted by Bernstein) characterizes them as "the handmaidens of the deal". Transactions take place amongst peers. There are rarely wronged parties, underdogs, or inequities in the financial means of the participants. Corporate lawyers structure those transactions, draft documents, review agreements, negotiate deals, and attend meetings

What areas of corporate law a corporate lawyer experiences depend from where the firm that he/she works for is, geographically, and how large it is. A small-town corporate lawyer in a small firm may deal in many short-term jobs such as drafting wills, divorce settlements, and real estate transactions, whereas a corporate lawyer in a large city firm may spend many months devoted to negotiating a single business transaction. Similarly, different firms may organize their subdivisions in different ways. Not all will include mergers and acquisitions under the umbrella of a corporate law division, for example.

Some corporate lawyers become partners in their firms. Others become in-house counsel for corporations. Others still migrate into other professions such as investment banking and teaching law.


Text 2

European Law

Part A

The European Union began in 1951 when France, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and the Netherlands formed the European Coal and Steel Community. This became the European Economic Communities in 1957.

The UK joined in 1973 and it’s since been expanded to include 15 European countries. Originally formed to prevent another war in Europe by promoting political and economic unity, it is now generally called the European Union. The European Union has become increasingly influential in matters of trade, politics and law.

The UK has cooperated closely with its European partners in political, economic and legal affairs since signing the Treaty on European Union in 1992. This means that laws and trade agreements established by the European Union are legally binding within the UK. In fact, the European Communities Act 1972 ensured that European law takes precedence over all domestic sources of law. This has greatly affected people’s rights in the UK, especially in the areas of employment.

Part B

European law is developed in the same way as the laws of the UK, a mixture of “case law” - a decision that has been reached during one particular case will then apply to all similar cases; and “statutory law” - laws made by governments. “Case Law” stems from the activities of the European Court of Justice. The European Court of Justice oversees decisions in each country to ensure that European law operates in the same way throughout the European Union.

Statutory lawis also called “legislation” and it is jointly established by three separate European institutions:

The European Parliament ismade up of elected members from each country. It oversees decisions made by the European Council and the European Commission. It is monitoring how individual countries carry out European Union Law.

The European Council ismade up of one minister from each country. It ensures that European “Treaty Objectives”, agreements decided collectively which form the highest level of European Law, are carried out.

The European Commission is made up of twenty “Commissioners”. It represents the interests of the European Union in general. It also negotiates trade agreements with other countries as well as overseeing the use of European Law throughout the community.

European Convention on Human Rights is a separate, but just as influential element of European Law. For example, The Human Rights Act 1998 became law in the UK in October 2000 and guarantees some rights that people in the UK did not have previously, including certain rights to privacy.


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