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Пример оформления аннотации на английском языке


There are 85 pages, tables 8, pictures 21 at the diploma paper. Graphical materials are included 6 pages of format A1.

The main positions of modernization metering unit and reduction gas condensate and fraction are set out at this diploma paper on public corporation "Salavat's oil org synthesis". The diploma is made on base of plant "Oreburg's gas industry" by October's arcwise production control of explication gas product wire.

The technological process scheme of metering unit and redaction gas condensate and fraction is made which it's made on base universal tendency towards to making units to allow for gas and oil products.

The model of flowmeter to control and to registrate gas metering and reduction are picked out which it's made for gas products. The new model of flowmeter is cost more le tipical carioles flowmeter but it has got a large exactness and absence of failures construction.

The pruver for control and registration gas metering and reduction is made which it has got a high exactness, a quick work and a constant flow by carrying out tests and controlling work of flowmeter in working conditions.

The functional layout of automation is made. The choice of computer-aided is made for this metering unit and redaction allowing conduct of foolproof engineering procedure.

The algorithm of electrical drive electro catches control is made which it's carried out an unit operator to see a following process.




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