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Task 7. Read a part of the main body of a presentation on Energy Resources in South America. Underline linking elements. The first one has been done for you

Different countries’ energy production is primarily based on their natural resources and their progress in exploiting them.

Now I’d like to talk briefly about Latin America, and three countries in particular, beginning with Venezuela, which for many years has had a strong oil industry. For years the economy has been dependent on oil, and although there are other significant resources in Venezuela, especially water, the emphasis has always been on fossil fuels.

Let’s look now at Argentina, which is quite a lot different to Venezuela in that it hasn’t enjoyed such a long history of success with oil for the simple reason that they have a great deal less of it. On the other hand, they have developed better use of hydro-electric power, so the use of energy in Argentina has been spread around among many sources - but fossil fuels are once again the most important.

That’s all I want to say about Argentina. Now let’s talk about Peru.

For many reasons, principally economic, Peru is typical of the Andean countries in that there is far less development of actual resources than such a rich geographical land mass - and a long coast - might lead us to suppose. The Amazon basin is a rich source of very many types of possible energy source. The most important one here is oil, but the problem is, that exploitation of the oil resources conflicts with conservation and ecological responsibilities. And this is a political and economic problem. Now, so much for Peru. I now want to say something about the other opportunities in Latin America …



Summaries restate what has already been said. Remember the maxim: ‘In a presentation, say what you are going to say, say it, then tell them you’ve said it.’ Some are like this, but not all. Conclusion is different: it often contains a message which grows out ofthe information described in the main body of the talk. It may contain lessons learnt, recommendations and next steps.


I’d like to end by emphasizing the main point(s). I’d like to end with... a summary of the main points; some observations based on what I’ve said; some conclusions / recommendations; a brief conclusion. There are two conclusions / recommendations. What we need is... That concludes (the formal part of) my talk. Now I’d like to invite your comments. Now we have (half an hour) for questions and discussion. Alright. Now, any questions or comments? So, now I’d be very interested to hear your comments.

Task 8. Read the end of a presentation by Ben Gaits, Marketing Director of Foss, an agricultural machinery manufacturer. His talk is about company valuation. What is his key message?

So, that brings me to almost the end of my talk. I’d like to end with a short restatement of the main point. The key issue, the key understanding is that it is... in valuing a company’s assets, perhaps the key thing these days is the value of brand names. Most acquisitions are in effect attempts to take over brand names. Traditional valuation, based on tangible assets, is no longer sufficient.

So, what are the lessons that we can learn from this? I think most importantly, we have to build up the power of our brand names. We have to establish greater brand identity. This requires a radical approach to marketing, making our brand name the focus of all our efforts. This policy will best boost the company’s assets. Thank you everyone for listening.

Read again. Is this a summary or a conclusion or is it both? Explain your answer.



That’s a difficult question to answer in a few words. I don’t think I’m the right person to answer that. Perhaps (Mr. Holmes) can help... I don’t have much experience in that field... I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of my talk / this session. Sorry, I’m not sure I’ve understood. Could you repeat? Do you mean...? I didn’t catch (the last part of) your question. If I have understood you correctly, you mean...? Is that right? Does that answer your question? Is that okay?

Task 9. Read two different ways of ending the same sales presentation by Maria Ghoman about an automatic warehouse system, the Storo. Decide if they:

• invite the audience to ask questions

• are a lead-in to a discussion

• invite the audience to ask questions and have a discussion

• request comments.

Example 1

So, I’ve described how the system works. Now, any questions?

Example 2

I think that covers the main points I wanted to tell you about... thank you for letting me talk about the Storo System. So... now... I’d like to invite you to tell me about the needs that you have... to suggest any specific qualities you need in a warehousing system... and at the same time, if there is anything you are not clear about, please ask... if anything needs clarification.


Task 10. Practice.

Divide into groups of four. Each person should prepare, in about two to three minutes, part of a short presentation on any topic he/she knows well.

Describe just one or two aspects of the topic in some detail for about three to four minutes. Then end what you say with a brief summary and/or conclusion. Finally, move to questions/comments or discussion.

Your colleagues should:

ask questions;

ask for more details;

ask for clarification / repetition;

paraphrase part(s) of what you said;

offer more information based on their knowledge and / or experience.

For each contribution, respond appropriately.

Task 11. Read the text below and find: a) eight advantages of using visual aids; b) three warnings about using visual aids

The great danger (in using visual aids) is that presenters place the major emphasis on visual aids and relegate themselves to the minor role of narrator or technician. You are central to the presentation. The visual aid needs you, your interpretation, your explanation, your conviction and your justification.

Visual aids can make information more memorable and they help the speaker. However, they must literally support what the speaker says and not simply replace the spoken information. It is also not enough to just read text from a visual aid.

There are many advantages to the correct use of visual aids. They can show information which is not easily expressed in words or they can highlight information. They cause the audience to employ another sense to receive information, they bring variety and therefore increase the audience’s attention. They save time and they clarify complex information.


Task 12. Role-play: Presentations. Choose one of the following situations and prepare a presentation to give to the rest of the group.

1. As sales director of an electronics company, you must make a presentation to launch your new range of telephone answer machines to the trade. Your presentation should cover the main features of each product and emphasize their selling points. You may invent any information you wish about the company and its products.

2. Choose or invent a company in one of the following product categories: food, sports goods, fashion, electrical products, mobile phones, microprocessors. As sales manager of that company make a presentation to your sales force on the latest additions to your product range. Your presentation should cover the main features of each new product and emphasize their selling points. You may invent any information you wish.

3. As a member of the human resources department of a large multinational, you visit universities/colleges making presentations to students on your company and the job opportunities it offers graduates. Choose or invent a company to represent. You may invent any information you wish. If you have time, you might like to contact the company’s PR department and ask for a copy of their annual report. This will give you a lot of information about the company’s main areas of business, financial performance, product range, future prospects etc, and provide you with some useful visual aids.

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