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City government is a system of governmental institutions that serve an urban area or urban municipality. Modern cities are almost always contained within the boundaries of national states, and their governments form parts of a larger constitutional regime that usually includes state or provincial governments and a national government.

A city government’s most important functions are to provide law enforcement and fire prevention; elementary and secondary education; water supply, sewage, and refuse collection and disposal; construction, maintenance, and lighting of the streets; regulation of building safety and housing standards; the provision of public housing; various welfare services for the needy; health protection, medical care environmental services. Cities also provide museums, parks, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities. Public-utility services that supply water, electricity, gas, and public transport may be provided by a city government or by commercial companies regulated by the government.

City planning is another important function. City governments typically achieve their land-planning goals by enacting zoning laws that govern the use of land and buildings, the density of population, and the height, bulk, and spacing of structures. Planning also involves the use of subdivision controls, which subject the initial laying-out of vacant land to public regulation.
City Government’, Encyclopedia Britannica


Задание: прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы преподавателя. The Current Financial Crisis Part 1   The current financial crisis has become an earthquake to the world’s economic system. It started in the USA, rapidly overcame the boundaries of the States and spread over Europe and Asia, bringing unemployment and financial recession along. One can hardly say whether it will last long or is going to slump. The following remains obvious, if we don’t want its recurrence in future, we should investigate its root causes now.
The world economic system endures time of prosperity as well as followed by inevitable declines. The circulating scheme is characterized by the rise of manufacturing and by the following recession, thus permitting to keep to the world financial and economic balance order. No one in the world was ready to take the burdens of the economic crisis on the shoulders and to resist its unpredictable consequences. So, it is important to examine the reasons of the crisis.
In my opinion there are several important factors to discuss, which obviously have affected the present economic situation. First of all it is the spendthrift lending or, in other term, the so-called housing price bubble. Every family buying a house can take a loan from the bank, which should be given back. In order to return money to the bank, the family first of all should take the house it can afford. Otherwise it will not be able to pay the money back. In the recent years the prices on real estate have been so high and raising so quickly like a bubble. It has resulted in the fact that people started taking loans, which they can’t pay off. Many banks’ borrowers got unable to make their mortgage payments. As a result, the mortgage market was undermined.
This was just the beginning. One of the consequences was the fall of prices on real estate. The institutions and businesses depending on real estate prices or making money on real estate underwent the risk and suffered losses. To such companies belong Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It was the blow to the financial system in general, which led to the problems in other pecuniary stocks. This process, started with the bank system and led to the banking liquidity crisis, affected all financial and economic sectors of business all over the world.  
Задание: прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы преподавателя.
The Current Financial Crisis Part 2   The current financial crisis has become an earthquake to the world’s economic system. It started in the USA, rapidly overcame the boundaries of the States and spread over Europe and Asia, bringing unemployment and financial recession along. One can hardly say whether it will last long or is going to slump. The following remains obvious, if we don’t want its recurrence in future, we should investigate its root causes now.   The world economic system endures time of prosperity as well as followed by inevitable declines. The circulating scheme is characterized by the rise of manufacturing and by the following recession, thus permitting to keep to the world financial and economic balance order. No one in the world was ready to take the burdens of the economic crisis on the shoulders and to resist its unpredictable consequences. It is important to examine the reasons of crisis.
Another reason of the present economic crisis is the unrestricted emission of American dollars. The emission of the most wide-spread world currency was strictly controlled by the government of the USA. Each dollar had gold equivalent in the gold reserve of the States. Purchasing capacity of it corresponded to the quantities of products manufactured. That's not how things stack any more up today. As a result while the USA was loosing its positions on the world market, the dollar was weakening in the world.
To sum it up one can say that the root causes of the current economic crisis lie in the ineffective policies of the economic and financial sectors of the leading and developing countries in the world. One should take into account the root causes to oust its re-occurrence.   Задание: прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы преподавателя.   The Role of Government in the Economy   In every economy the work of different firms has to be coordinated. In a market economy this coordination is achieved by means of markets. Nevertheless the debate over the role for Government in a market economy is continuing and the issue is being widely discussed at the present time. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportuni­ties are fair, to dampen inflation and to stimulate growth. Government plays a big role in the American free enterprise sys­tem. Federal, state and local governments, tax, regulate, and support business. In the United States there are agencies to regulate safety, health, environment, transport, communications, trade, lab our relations, and finances. Regulation ensures that business serves the best interests of the people as a whole. Some industries — nuclear power, for instance — have been regulat­ed more closely over the last few years than ever before. In others the trend has been towards deregulation or reduction of administrative bur­den on the economy. The U.S. economy has a tradition of government intervention for specific economic purposes — including controlling inflation, limiting monopoly, protecting the consumer, providing for the poor. The gov­ernment also affects the economy by controlling the money supply and the use of credit. The aim is a balanced budget.  


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