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Kids Who Might Need Extra Help

Isn't every kid special? We think so, but what do we mean when we say "kids with special needs"? This means any kid who might need extra help because of a medical, emotional, or learning problem. These kids have special needs because they might need medicine, therapy, or extra help in school — stuff other kids don't typically need or only need once in a while.

Maybe you know of kids in your school who need a wheelchair or use braces when they walk. Those kids have special needs. They not only need the equipment that helps them get around, but they might need to have ramps or elevators available. They also might need to get a special bus to school — one that lifts them up into the bus so they don't have to get up the steps.

Kids who have an illness, such as epilepsy, diabetes, or cerebral palsy, would have special needs, too. They might need medicine or other help as they go about their daily activities. Kids with sight problems might need Braille books to read. Kids with hearing or speech problems would have special needs, too. A kid who has hearing trouble might need hearing aids to hear and speech therapy, too, since it can be hard to say words correctly when you can't hear very well.

Kids with learning problems often have special needs. Kids with Down syndrome might go to a regular school and might even be in your class. But they have special needs when it comes to learning, so an aide (someone to help) might come with them to class.





Disabled people suffer a lot; they feel exempted from our society by the treatment they receive from others. Most of the people in Lebanon will stay away from disabled humans. But aren’t they the same as normal one’s? Don’t they have a good hearth? They want the same things that normal people do, they eat the same food. Everything is the same, but they have a part of their body that’s malfunctioning. The technology and the science are developed as much that it has made disabled people lives easier. In Lebanon, there are rules for disabled people, but unfortunately these rules aren’t always followed. For example not in every public toilet has a special place for them, not every parking has place left for wheel chairs. But they feel more pain in their hearth when they are pushed away from society. This will hurt them even more than any rules. Even if they can’t walk it doesn’t mean that they can’t be any help. They want to work like a normal employee; they want to be treated like a person, not like they don’t exist or, just because God wanted them to be like this, don’t have a life. Here we have some private sector for disabled people but it’s not enough. There has to be more activities for them, more learning schools. They have to be encouraged to participate to any events, because in this way they will be recovered faster and in some way they will be normal.




Developmental Articulation Disorder

Developmental articulation disorder is essentially a disorder of speech articulation. Intelligence level, hearing acuity, and speech mechanism structures are not affected, and other nonlinguistic and linguistic areas of functioning are generally within normal limits.

The features sometimes associated with developmental articulation disorder include developmental problems, and neurological problems. The most commonly reported developmental problems are enuresis, developmental coordination disorder, and learning disabilities, which, together, affect about 25% of the children with developmental articulation disorder. A larger proportion of these children have slow early speech or language milestones. Although it is a reasonable assumption that reading and spelling difficulties in these children affect the same sounds that are misarticulated, research has not shown an association between misarticulations and reading or spelling errors.

While no clear association between neurological disorders and developmental articulation disorder have been found, children with developmental articulation disorder have been shown as a group to have slightly elevated incidences of neurological «soft signs», especially clumsiness and mixed dominance. Case history reports frequently mention left - right confusions in these children, although there are no systematic studies on this topic.

Case reports also suggest that children with developmental articulation disorder have a high prevalence of social, emotional, or behavioral problems.





Guillermo Wells, Venezuela
Because of my disability i had to abandon my country in which I used to live painfully ever since I was born 35 years ago. Venezuela is a country in where there's no education about this topic. Even though I could get into University and get my law degree as one of the best students, then had a master degree in Diplomacy, became a Diplomat and worked for the former President Rafael Caldera until Chavez and his partisans destroyed my life. I could even live alone in Europe for the past 4 years, traveled into Africa on my own; get along the way with plenty of challenges. Handicap is in your mind, that's what I know and everybody in this world should think that way. There are no limits to achieve a goal whatsoever. The only limit I find at all times is ignorance from people who do not want to make a simple effort. The only excuse is ''that would be expensive''. My question is: What do we work for in this planet that we belong to. I know the answer: We work just to make richer just a few human beings. I have learnt that by working for the International Law Commission of the United Nations in Geneva. Well, hopefully some parts of the world like Latin America won’t take longer than Europe in achieving a good level of understanding as Europe.




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