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LISTENING. 1. Study the list of proper names and abbreviations you will come across when listening:


1. Study the list of proper names and abbreviations you will come across when listening:

Ben Allanach


Earnest Rutherford

Cavendish lab


Brooklyn, New York






2. Match the expressions below with contexts in which they would most probably be used:


1) squishy stuff which was positive… a) speaking about the sizes of the atom
2) Inside there’s a very small, hard, dense core… b) speaking about quarks and neutrinos
3) They’re kind of heavier stuff that stick together quite well… c) speaking about the strong nuclear force
4) …roughly 10-10m so that’s a tenth of a billionth of a metre d) describing the ‘plum pudding’ model
5) all those protons with that big positive charge can be stuffed together and they stay there e) describing protons and neutrons
6) Delving a bit more deeply into the structure of matter… f) say what scientists expect from the LHC
7) …particles that were previously undiscovered, when you pass an energy threshold, all of a sudden you’ll be able to produce them. g) describing Rutherford’s model

3. Listen to a scientific discussion about atoms and decide whether the statements below are true or false:

1. Earnest Ruthrford thought that the atom was squishy stuff with electrons dotted around it;

2. Jack Dao from Brooklyn, New York think that the atom resembles a melon.

3. The strong nuclear force helps to overcome the repulsion between protons.

4. New particle accelerators have nothing to do with Rutherford’s experiments.

5. Scientists hope to detect new particles that have not been discovered.

6. All new accelerators will be bigger than the LHC

4. Listen to the conversation once again and fill in the gaps with missing information (a maximum of 3 words):

1. So when we’re talking about atoms I think even the ancient Greeks (sort of Democritus’ time) had a concept of the atom, as this …………………. which you can link lots together and you’ve got something.

2. What he realised was that most of the atom is actually ……………….., with ……………. flying around the outside.

3. Around the outside you have electrons, they’re light, ……………………… and inside you have the nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons.

4. You can weigh them through indirect means and you can work it out through ………………….. and so on to work out how many of the different atoms make …………………… up.

5. So Rutherford’s initial experiments of the ………………… are now being done at much ………………..in order to delve deeper and deeper into the protons.

6. Because we can’t actually see with the …………….. or even with a microscope we can’t actually see these particles.

7. That’s what’s hoped particularly for the ……………… hypothetical particle that’s hoped will show up there.

8. If we’ve got this new, exciting, ……………….., what if you do some sums you’ll find some evidence that means you’ll have to build an even bigger one to get even higher energies?



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